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36581Admiral BryceWed 29th Feb, 2012 6:15pm
 Hi-vis Pop6109Chunderboy JrWed 29th Feb, 2012 9:14am
Oldman TomRob
 Tournament Contributions050EugeneMon 27th Feb, 2012 4:28pm
 Quiz and Film Night - Prizes to be won
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12190Chunderboy JrThu 23rd Feb, 2012 6:23pm
Oldman TomRob
 Canoe Logo Competition!
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34565BeckyTue 21st Feb, 2012 11:18am
 Real Ale5124Chunderboy JrMon 13th Feb, 2012 7:06pm
 Lakes Trip6149Admiral BryceSun 12th Feb, 2012 10:02pm
The Youngest Mark
 HPP trip
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12295AliceTue 7th Feb, 2012 9:51pm
 Next Weeks Socials389Chunderboy JrTue 7th Feb, 2012 2:55pm
Chunderboy Jr
 Refreshers Trip8192NicoleMon 6th Feb, 2012 7:41pm
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