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LauraPost subject: Polo Demograohics Survey 
Posts: 10

Hello to all my Polo peeps :)


I have a little task to occupy you for a minute or two this merry quarantine.

We’re doing a demographics survey on our members:


Knowing more about you can help us make sure the Polo club is inclusive for all our members. This data will also show us which areas we should focus on to better our diversity, and to ensure a welcoming and accommodating space for everyone.

This data is also essential in finding a sponsorship. The more responses we get, the more information we can give to potential sponsors, meaning funding to keep running club events and make positive changes wherever we can.


The survey is completely anonymous. There’s also an optional section at the end so we can hear your ideas on how to boost diversity and make our club more inclusive.


Much Polo love,

Laura and the Exec x

Thu 25th Jun, 2020
LiamPost subject: Re: Polo Demograohics Survey 
Posts: 383


Wed 5th Aug, 2020