Training home
Strength training
Strength exercises
Shoulder exercises
4 point press
Lateral raise
Front raise
Bent-over raise
Chest exercises
Chest fly
Bench press
Back exercises
Bent-over row
Good morning exercise
Close grip raise
Core exercises
Leg throw-down
Medicine ball twist
Madi's ultimate frisbee core exercises and 'work-out'
Arm exercises
Biceps 21s
Triceps extension
Whole body exercises
Power clean
Stability ball exercises
The pike
Stability ball press-up
Flexibility exercises
The stuff in the sections below is what I've picked up and may have misinterpreted,
best is to talk to gym staff. I haven't crippled myself yet, so hopefully the exercises
below are ok! If you think anything is wrong, please e-mail
Some rules, for the strict adherance of idiots and the guidance of the wise:
- Good quality, smooth repetitions of the movement, exercising the full range of
motion are the target.
- Jerky movements that use momentum to help you lift heavy weights are less
beneficial and might lead to injury. However! A sustained powerful 'explosive' movement can be used
as a way of training explosive power. I guess replicating the way you'd use a movement for real is the aim of the game, so perhaps make your
rowing and throwing type movements explosive.
- Not lowering a weight all the way, because it is easier to lift back up again is
again less beneficial than exercising the full range of movement.
- When trying a new exercise, always start with a low weight with which you can
comfortably achieve 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions of an exercise and build up. Trying to
lift too much too soon will cause injury. When you can perform two repetitions on top
of your target number in your final set, increase the weight in the next
I warm up with a short run/row/cycle to get the blood flowing, body warm etc, then
do some stretches before I start doing weights. I think this is a good idea. I also try
to do stretches or maybe go for a short swim as a warm-down and to stay flexible.
There's no point being massively strong but so inflexible that you can barely move to
do the strokes you are trying to get more power for!
This exercise aims to exercise all the muscles in you shoulders. Use light weights,
or no weights at all to start. Make your movements smooth and precise and keep a good
posture, especially with your back. Either do this standing or sitting on a
- Hold the weights at your sides, level with your shoulders, push up so the weights
are above and either side of your head.
- Bring your elbows together so that that the weights are together above and
slightly in front of your head.
- Lower the weights in front of your face until they are in front of your chest,
level with your shoulders.
- Bring your elbows apart so that you return to the starting position.

This exercise aims to exercise the front and middle shoulder muscles.
- With your arms starting by your sides, raise the weights with straight arms until
they are level with your head.
- Lower the weights smoothly back to your sides.

This exercise aim's to exercise the front shoulder muscles.
- With the weights starting in front of your thighs, raise one of the weights until
it is level with your head.
- Lower the weight slowly to its starting position. Repeat with the other

PGL's (that's nickname for a person, not the fine institution that provides holdiays
for children) favourite. This exercise aims to exercise the rear shoulder muscles, just
watch out for those glove-wearing-gym boys attacking from behind!
- Bent over, with the weights starting hanging down in front of you, raise the
weights until they are back and to the side as far as you can.
- Slowly lower the weights back to their starting position.
 This is a chest exercise,
which seems to exercise the muscles needed for a strong chest and arm during bow
rudders and bow draws.
- Lying face up on a bench, hold the weights with slightly bent arms, straight
above the chest. Lower the weights slowly out to the sides as far as is comfortable,
trying to exercise the full range of movement.
- Lift the weights up again using the chest muscles to the starting position.

This should exercise mainly chest but also shoulders, perhaps benficial for a
strong posture during a forward and other strokes. This can be done with dumbells or
with a bar on a proper bench. Be careful if using a bar, have someone there to take the
weight back onto the rack (on a proper bench) so you don't end up pinned to the bench!
Don't try to lift too much, it hurts and you can't easily drop the bar without damaging
yourself! I've recently been doing 5 sets of 5, which I like. 3 sets of 8-12 is another
- Lying face up on a bench, hold the the bar straight above the chest with arms
almost locked out. Lower the bar slowly until it is just above your sternum almost
touching your chest. Do not rest the bar on your chest, or bounce the bar off your
chest, this can cause injury.
- Lift the bar back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Do not arch
your back, this can cause back injury!

This exercise aims to exercise the mid-upper back and arm muscles used as part of a
powerful forward stroke. Some say keep the shoulders level and lift the weight using
only the back and arm. I like to lower the weight to the floor by rotating the torso
and lift it all the way up, including torso rotation as in a real stroke.
- With the left knee and left hand supported on the bench, the right foot on the
floor and the weight held in the right hand with a straight arm, pull the weight up
to chest level.
- Lower the weight back to the starting position in a controlled manner.

This exercise should strengthen the muscles used for straightening the back, the lower
back muscles. This will help the transfer of power from the back, arm and shoulders
into the boat without your body hunching into a poor posture. Again, be careful trying
to lift to much to avoid injury. There are frames in the weights room that have a rack
to hold the bar at shoulder level until it is required if a heavy weight is being
- With a bar balanced across the shoulders, keep a straight back and bend over at
the hips until the back is near parallel to the floor.
- Raise the bar back to the starting position, keeping a straight back.

This exercise should strengthen the upper back muscles. I'm not sure how these relate
to canoeing, but it's good to be balanced to prevent injuries!
- With the hands close together (hold thumbs along the bar, they should be
touching), raise the bar to chin level.
- Lower the bar back to the starting position in a controlled manner.

This exercise should strengthen the abdominal muscles, which are pretty important to
- Holding on to the ankles of an assistant, keep the legs straight und lift them up
towards the assistant's hands with the abdominal muscles.
- The assistant throws the feet away from them. Stop the legs just above the floor
with the abdominal muscles, and repeat.

This exercise should strengthen the abdominal muscles including those used in rotation,
very important for canoeing!
- An assistant is standing on the feet holding a medicine ball. Catch the medicine
ball in both hands and sit up.
- Touch the ball on the floor by the left hip by rotating the torso, then by the
right hip.
- Throw the ball back to the assistant and lower the torso to the starting
Repeat this exercise in a pyramid fashion, with the next repetition touching the
ball on each side twice, the next three times, then four, then five, then back down:
four, three, two, one, finish.
If this is too easy, either do more repetitions or sets, or try this: an exercise that seems to mimic the action of
pulling a boat up and over the water, at 2:38, it's hard!
Madi's ultimate frisbee core exercises and 'work-out'[Back to top]
Here are a series of exercises followed by a suggested work-out from Madi and the ultimate frisbee lot,
they are the kind of thing that you can do at home, so if you fear the glove wearing, image concious comfort zoners in the gym,
fear not, Madi is here to save you. It may sound like an antenatal class, but try it, and if you still think that, repeat the lot until you can't do any more.
Eccentric Sit-ups
Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, knees
bent, hands across chest or by head. This is the finishing position.
Perform a situp fast, then
slowly lower yourself down to the finishing position over three
Adopt a press-up position.
Lift one arm and the
opposite leg so that they are in line with your back so your
body is in a straight line with one hand and one foot on the floor.
Hold this position.
Adopt a press-up type position, but with your forearms on the floor.
Hold this position.
Leg Up Plank
Adopt a plank position.
Lift one foot, rotate the hip
outwards and lift your knee to hip level, ie bent at 90o.
Hold this position with the knee and foot just off the floor.
Rock Climbers
Lie on your front with your legs bent at the knee and
feet in the air, as if you were at a sleep-over in front of the TV enjoying an episode of Sex and the City with your 'girlfriends'. Sorry, seriously now.
Lift your head and shoulders off the floor, reach
out forwards as far as possible with one arm, then imagine grabbing
hold of something and clawing it back towards you while you exchange
hands, and repeat with the other arm.
Repeat. At no point should your arms
shoulder hands etc touch the floor
Side Leg Raises (it's getting really antenatal now)
Lie on your side, body completely straight.
Tighten the core, and lift the top
leg as high as possible in a controlled manner.
Lower in the same manner
Hip Opens
Lie on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees.
Hinge your legs apart while keeping your feet together.
Return to the start position.
Lying Back Extension
Lie on your front, arms and legs stretched out,
so you are in a straight line.
Keep your feet together and lift your
hands and feet as high as possible while keeping them together.
Return to the start position.
Lie on your front, spread-eagled like you are demonstrating an unnecessary joke about someone's mother.
Lift your arms and legs as high off the floor
as you can. The only part of your body touching
the ground should be your stomach.
Hold this position.
Leg Lowers
Lie on your back with hips bent at 90° and knees at 90° so
your feet are off the floor
Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, lower one foot to
touch the floor, then return to the starting position.
Repeat with the other foot
If this is too easy, straighten your legs.
Hamstring Lifts
Lie on the floor with your feet up on a sofa or stability ball, arse against your chosen object.
Push down
through your heels to lift your hips into the air as high as possible, keeping your arse close to the object so your body is
close to vertical.
Return to the starting position
The whole 'work-out'
10 Eccentric Sit-ups
Superman: 10 seconds each side, twice
Leg Up Plank: 10seconds each side, then 10seconds normal Plank for a
total of 30 seconds
30 Rock Climbers
10 Side Leg Raises (each side)
10 Hip Opens (each side)
Lying Back Extension: 10s
Skydivers: 10 seconds, twice
Leg Lowers: 20 each side
10 Hamstring Lifts
Plank: 40seconds
If you are not ready for a natural, herb and meditation assisted birth after this, you never will be.

This exercise should strengthen the biceps, probably involved in the last part of a
forward stroke. It's quicker with a bar, instead of doing one side at a time.
First 7:
- Starting with the bar held with the arms relaxed, lift the bar until the forearms
are at right angles to the body.
- Lower the bar to the starting position in a controlled manner. Repeat this seven
Second 7:
- Starting with the bar held with the forearms at right angles to the body,
lift the bar until the elbows are fully bent.
- Lower the bar to the starting position (forearms at right angles to body) in a
controlled manner. Repeat this seven times.
Final 7:
- Starting with the bar held with the arms relaxed, lift the bar until the elbows
are fully bent.
- Lower the bar to the starting position in a controlled manner. Repeat this seven
This should really burn!

This exercise should strengthen the triceps. It may help the 'punch' part of a forward
stroke, and perhaps power in throwing. It can be done with a bar or a single
dumbell held in both hands
- With a bar held above the head with arms straight, bend the arms at the elbow to
lower the weight behind the head in a controlled manner.
- Lift the bar back to the starting position.

exercises all sorts of muscles, is hard work, and is supposed to be
good for coordination or muscles. The description here is brief. This
exercise could be dangerous or cause injury if done wrong so like
everything else here it is done at your own risk! Consult one of the
posters in the weights room or one of the many youtube videos (power
clean) for proper technique.
- Start with the knees bent, bent at the waist with a
straight back. Hold the bar at about shoulder width. Smoothly drive the
bar upwards with the legs and back, and as the bar
reaches the top of its travel via the first movement, bend the knees to
bring the bar into the 'racked' position where it is
supported on the
chest in front of the shoulders and finish the lift by straightening
the legs and body.
- Lower the bar in a controlled manner, keeping good posture.
The exercises in this section use a swiss ball/gym
ball/exercise ball/stability ball, whatever you call it. One of the big bouncy balls
you get in gyms. They are suppose to be good because they train balance and
coordination while using muscles. I've found of these exercises really good for
core and lower back strengthening, and exercising away back stiffness.

This exercise aims to strengthen your upper body, core, torso and shoulders. It's a
good one!
- Hold your body rigid, with your lower legs on top of the ball and your torso
supported by your arms. Raise your body by bending at the waist and lifting your
hips, keeping your spine straight, until your hips are directly above your
- Pause, then lower your body back to the starting position.

This exercise aims to strengthen your upper body, core and shoulders again.
- This is just a press up with your feet supported by the ball. Keep your body
straight at all times, starting with your arms straight, bend at the elbows to lower
your nose to the floor.
- Push back up to the starting position.
These exercises should be enough to get on with, but: [Back to top]
There's a book called 'Fit to Paddle' by Rocky Snyder that has lots of paddling
oriented strength, flexibility and endurance exercises in it if you are looking for
I try to do exercises that mimic bits of canoeing, so a bent over row where you have
one hand on a bench and one hand pulling a weight off the floor is similar to the lower
arm part of a paddling action, for example.
Ask the gym staff, they must know loads!
Still to come! Do some stretches Some on one of the sheets in the Excel spreadsheet here: stretches for slalom