| - no comment on how long it took me to see it - if you look carefully you can see Wen's paddles
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 | - river that runs through Braemar (later also paddled in the dark)
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 | - Braemar had a CASTLE?? :S - Braemar Castle
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 | - There wasn't any chicken fat in the end. Don't forget the curry powder - no wasp? disapointing - yeah its: scrumpy,bow,calsberg,grolsch,alis cheap whisky,malibu,chilli powder,tabasco and a bit of chicken fat lol - Anyone remember the recipe?
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 | - just goes to prove man think faster than women - madi and I happen to have stunning coordination - scarf just ruined it - do they match on purpose?? (apart from one having a 3rd leg...)
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 | - has anyone seen Taxi Driver?
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 | - double entendre - nice shoot
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 | - Scotland '07: The Survivors
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 | - Is that monkey sucking it's own hoo-haaa? Why? BECAUSE IT CAN!
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 | - that boat has seen alot - bar-b-g-ride-q, with strap-on rain cover. they had stringent bbq safety measures over height of bbq above grass - im pretty sure this was over 6 inches
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 | - Braemar from Creag Choinnich
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 | - frodo- heading directly for the undercut!
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 | - you built that in a day - kate you legend - day trip to help renovate braemar castle: spot the canoe club member
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 | - there is in fact nothing down there at all! - hehee
my boofing is in the early stages of development... - Images says a 1000 words, his body language says one 'shit'
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 | - Hang on, I'm not upside down? - Findhorn on the course
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 | - that's quite stylish (assuming you stayed upright..?)
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 | - "Where's the fucking water??" - Thats a nice boat, was it expensive?
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 | - Frodo's letterbox descent looks painful!
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