| - Haynes manual - never a good start to a trip.
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 | - It's not meant to look like that
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 | - Interesting for about ten minutes
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 | - Frodo's impressed with the view.
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 | - Another of Chaumont's most interesting attractions
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 | - View from Jon's hotel room.
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 | - Across the line... only four days late!
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 | - One photo of me doing something cool Jon! Thats all I asked for... and you get me paddling flat water!
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 | - Fire poi with Birmingham uni
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 | - Warwick Alps trip #2 arrive on Thursday night.
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 | - It's the Durance through Briançon, and you hold down Alt and type 135 on the keypad - French A level paying for itself there. - -which river is this and how did you make a fancy c?? - Briançon Gorge
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 | - Hahahaha! - JASON BOURNE!
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 | - Whos boat is this Rich? did you steal it from Brum?
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 | - Slalom course on the Durance next to the campsite.
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