 | - Dry hair = not trying hard enough...or being good I suppose. - dry hair
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 | - Haha! You just look mildly irritated. - not as fun as i made it look
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 | - I have no idea why it says "SAMPLE" on all of my photos
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 | - Is this before or after rolling?
- don't go left!
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 | - Looks like I was powering through there, but I actually had no momentum. [triple fall, findhorn gorge]
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 | - bugger, that looked closer than I remembered! - when he did it I really thought he'd end up in the hole - Haha - that almost looks a wee bit early.
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 | - It bothers me that my paddles are so level in so many pictures of me paddling. Perhaps I'm shit.
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 | - forgot his paddles so he had to use the splits. - What did he do to deserve this?
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 | - This is a brilliant photo. - yes - first of triple? - where is this?
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 | - you can't see, but i'm doing a deck grab....facebook it please! - Fairly sure this is Matt Rogers - Don't know who this is, but fantastic photo!
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 | - Definitely the best line to take there. I know cause I took it on the safety course. :) Dave - Nobody apart from me, Jon and Luke actually saw this line, but it was AWESOME. A boof off a rock on the far left and he hopped over the stopper completely. Flawless.
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 | - Can someone photoshop an out of focus Dunphy in to complete the dream team? - we do look hot - if only this was in focus - it looks perfect for your boy band cover
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 | - the next four should be with the falloch photos after I'm upside down.
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 | - I remember grinning very widely when I took this photo. - what a moment. - aaahahaha
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 | - That was so close to disappearing over a cliff. Points to rogers for looking so blasé about it! - The Camera definately had an almost death experience here, it was just that kind of day.
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 | - we're not going to have sex, because I'm stronger than you.
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 | - my favourite position...
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 | - that is a fantastic picture
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 | - I did roll up this time.
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