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Monkey BoyPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 2190
AvatarAbsolute genious.

London Underground
Mon 23rd May, 2005
Edited by Monkey Boy on Mon 23rd May 2005, 12:14am
MattPost subject: Revision-Away 
Posts: 284
AvatarFrom a man with a whole extra year of de-vising, try this:-


I recommend Interactive Buddy - get rid of frustration by beating a wee-man, who can be George Bush, or even a Tellytubby!
Mon 23rd May, 2005
AntersPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 295
AvatarIf you're really really really really desperate for something to do then have a look at this, this was suggested to me by a guy called pete who does 3rd year engineering, so don't blame me for it!:p

The Gay Adventures of Burnt Face Man!
Mon 23rd May, 2005
Fat BoyPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 268
AvatarThe game everyone has been waiting for!!

Kill the frog
Mon 6th Jun, 2005
AntersPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 295
Avatarthat's absolutely brilliant!! I'd like to shake the hand of whoever created that!!

Found this earlier this morning .. it's a new-age alternative version of Packman

Not very long, but multiple levels and funny tasks which need to be completed along the way. enjoy.

Also there's a very funny, and x-rated, adventure role playing game called Frank's Adventure 3 - I never knew until now what kate got up to in her spare time! :p
Mon 6th Jun, 2005
Edited by Anters on Tue 7th Jun 2005, 2:05am
NickyPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 509
Avatarwas given a link to a great website, it was so good that i was refused it to me until then end of exams. luckily i managed to get it the night before my final one, which in return didnt go too well, opps.

Tue 7th Jun, 2005
Where Am IPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 847
Avatarhmmm some of us still revising starwars gangster rap legendary and also illwillpress damn foamy and his crazy squirrel friend are SO cool!! u gotta watch a few to get into it... genius

(hmmm im a retard at using links)
Sun 12th Jun, 2005
Edited by Andy on Sun 12th Jun 2005, 1:02pm
AntersPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 295
AvatarWith the birth of our website's very own online games, I feel that this string has become a bit neglected. If anyone is interested in another game online, this one is well worth a look. So if u need to sort some anger out in a family atmosphere,

then take a look at Dad n' Me

then there's this one which is really simple with a funky tune, and slightly addictive. Some Japanese Game


PS should really be doing something productive with my day, but just found this one as well.
The Chemical Brothers Game

Fri 29th Jul, 2005
Edited by Anters on Fri 29th Jul 2005, 6:14pm
Where Am IPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 847

easily whittled away a while there...
well worth it thou:D if you have like forever to waste, very hard/long
Sat 19th Nov, 2005
Edited by Where Am I on Sat 19th Nov 2005, 10:20pm
Monkey BoyPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 2190
AvatarJust the way your mother likes it
Mon 21st Nov, 2005

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