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NJGPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 595
AvatarJerusalem - ish. link
Mon 21st May, 2012
JonPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 696
AvatarNew Bond film trailer: link

Looks familiar at 0:58
Mon 21st May, 2012
NJGPost subject: Re: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 595
AvatarJon wrote:
New Bond film trailer: link

Looks familiar at 0:58
Etive? I saw this discussed on the UKRGB forums.
Mon 21st May, 2012
KatiePost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 981
Mon 21st May, 2012
Buzz LightyearPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 1060
AvatarThat is the physical embodiment of hell itself.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Mon 21st May, 2012
ThrumptonPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 819
AvatarSurely that's a piss-take...?
Mon 21st May, 2012
AlexPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 305
Avatartheres no way somebody could fit in that with those pedals in there
Mon 21st May, 2012
KatiePost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 981
AvatarI think it might be, theres gotta be some health and safety issues involved with having an anchor to be 'more retentive in a hole'....
Tue 22nd May, 2012
IainPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 1760
Avatarwtf: I didn't think Americans understood dry humour. I stand corrected.
Wed 23rd May, 2012
RobTomPost subject: Re: Re: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 246
AvatarNJG wrote:
Etive? I saw this discussed on the UKRGB forums.


Thu 24th May, 2012

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