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CloughyPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 1298
AvatarThis is priceless, our very own celebrity!

Tue 19th Jul, 2011
Buzz LightyearPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 1060
AvatarOMFG Tom White you let this fly under the radar.

Loving the bit at 1:25 where you wonder round that lab looking completely clueless.

Also I've never noticed how wonky your teeth are.

Also 0:45 "genuine scientific labs". Love it. Well done mate.
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
BrycePost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 1096
AvatarYou could sound more enthusiastic

Tue 19th Jul, 2011
TomRobPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 703
AvatarThanks Chloe... thanks a frickin bunch

Nige -> Thanks for the teeth remark, I'm going to spend the next 30 years smiling with closed all fairness, I had never noticed either!

Bryce -> I've been here for 6 years, its mighty difficult to sound enthusiastic

Tue 19th Jul, 2011
TomRobPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 703
AvatarChloe, how did you find this? Aren't you supposed to be working?
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
Buck RogersPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 432
AvatarI predict a significant dip in the chemistry intake this year.
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
TomRobPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 703
AvatarI predict a significant dip in societies this year.
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
Edited by TomRob on Tue 19th Jul 2011, 3:54pm
Buck RogersPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 432
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
OJPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 94
AvatarYou do look about 13 in that lab coat and safety specs :-p
Tue 19th Jul, 2011
LinkPost subject: Re: Revision-Away 
Posts: 216
Avatari missed this :( i must've been downstairs at the time
Tue 19th Jul, 2011

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